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4 points by aw 5068 days ago | link | parent

I haven't looked at LavaScript, but I'm curious as to why you wouldn't be able to support quasiquotation?

If you don't have quasiquotation yet, but you do have Arc's mac working, macros can be written without quasiquotation by expanding the quasiquotes by hand:

  (mac foo (x y . body)
    `(bar ,x ,y ,@body))

  (mac foo (x y . body)
    (cons 'bar (cons x (cons y body))))
This in turn is enough to implement quasiquotes. That is, if you already have eval, Arc macros without quasiquotation, and lists, then we can implement quasiquote on top of that.

I've done a couple of quasiquote implementations already, so I could probably be of some help, if you'd like.

1 point by evanrmurphy 5068 days ago | link

> That is, if you already have eval

I think you've gotten to the central issue here, which I failed to explain in the OP. Not supporting quasiquote is actually just a consequence of not supporting eval.

The reason for not supporting eval is that this is a source-to-source compiler like CoffeeScript, not a run-time environment. I do not know how to support eval (and perhaps even a meaningful quote operator) without introducing run-time dependencies.

Perhaps an example can illustrate. Here's an expression with lisp on the left and javascript output on the right:

  (+ 1 2)          1+2
Now quote it. What should the output be?

  '(+ 1 2)         '1+2'

  '(+ 1 2)         ['+', 1, 2]
Both are quoted expressions in some sense; the first is something JS can eval natively, the second requires LavaScript's special eval. The second (if I'm not mistaken) is what you need for quasiquotation, but it would require introducing into the target environment a run-time dependency on LavaScript's eval. Am I making any sense?

What I was suggesting in the OP is that the lack of eval and quasiquotation doesn't actually rule out macros. Rather it forces your macro system to be of a more limited, basic templating variety, but this is still useful. For example, here's how you define def and let using the proposed system [1]:

  (mac def (name parms body...)
    (= name (fn parms @body)))

  (mac let (var val body...)
    ((fn (var) @body) val))
> I've done a couple of quasiquote implementations already, so I could probably be of some help, if you'd like.

Great, thanks! And you're already helping by talking with me about it. :)


[1] I actually have this working already, except for rest parameters and the @ unquote-splicing operator. Since these are used in so many macro definitions, it isn't very useful quite yet. But the proof-of-concept is there.


2 points by rocketnia 5068 days ago | link

it would require introducing into the target environment a run-time dependency on LavaScript's eval

Ohhhh, nice limitation.

Technically, if your compile phase ran the code in a LavaScript-capable environment and you kept a running total of all the compiled code in order to output it at the end, then macros should be fine. They're almost never called by the compiled code (just by the thing that was compiling that code earlier), so they're just cruft. I'd be surprised if there weren't a minifier that could cut them out of the result automatically.

On the other hand, if you did that, it would mean running the code in order to set up any definitions the macros use, and thus you would have to have all your run time libraries loaded at compile time--perhaps including the DOM and such--so maybe that's not what you're going for.

Your templating macro system is something that doesn't take advantage of any run time definitions, and is therefore usable from a completely different compile-time environment. Macros that can't execute arbitrary code are pretty dull, though. Maybe what you need is a phase control macro:

  ## (This is just a sketch. Please don't bother crediting me.)
  realMacros = {}
  realMacros.atCompileTime = (body) ->
    each body, (expr) ->
      eval lc(expr)
    'null'  ## or whatever makes sense as an ignored result
    orig = lc
    lc = (s) ->
      if isList(s) and (s[0] of realMacros)
      else orig(s)
From here, people oughta be able to use (atCompileTime ...) forms to work in compiler-space, where they can modify the realMacros table directly, perhaps to implement a more convenient macro definition macro.

Hope this helps. ^_^


1 point by evanrmurphy 5067 days ago | link

I like your atCompileTime approach. It would seem to open up the kinds of things the compiler can do while still not requiring anything special about the run-time environment. I'm leaning toward something like this.

> Technically, if your compile phase ran the code in a LavaScript-capable environment and you kept a running total of all the compiled code in order to output it at the end, then macros should be fine.

To be sure I understand, would this be kind of like if LavaScript both compiled every expression to JavaScript (as it does now) and ran it through the atCompileTime evaluator, so as to make it available for use in the compiler space?


1 point by rocketnia 5067 days ago | link

To be sure I understand, would this be kind of like if LavaScript both compiled every expression to JavaScript (as it does now) and ran it through the atCompileTime evaluator, so as to make it available for use in the compiler space?

That and atCompileTime were almost independent trains of thought, but yeah, I think you understand it. The compiler would compile a command, write the compiled command to the output file, evaluate the command itself, then repeat with the next command.

  for command in input
    let compiled = compile( command ) in
      output-file.write compiled
      execute compiled
Like I said, I don't know if this applies to your case very well, since the compiler's environment may not adequately simulate the actual application conditions.


2 points by aw 5068 days ago | link

The second (if I'm not mistaken) is what you need for quasiquotation, but it would require introducing into the target environment a run-time dependency on LavaScript's eval. Am I making any sense?

Not sure :-) To put it in my own words, macros and quasiquotation are expanded at compile-time. Thus there is a compile-time dependency: in whatever language you write your macros in, you need to be able to be able to call functions written in that language from your compiler.

Take Arc as an example. A macro in Arc is an association between the macro name and a function that does the work of expanding the macro. Saying

  (mac foo ()
    `(+ 1 2))
is just a shortcut for this:

  (def expand-foo ()
    `(+ 1 2))
  (assign foo (annotate 'mac expand-foo))
now, I can write the "expand-foo" function in any language I want, as long as I can call it from the compiler. Here, I happen to have written it in Arc. But I could have written it in Scheme. Or, I could have written it in Javascript, if I had some way of calling Javascript from Arc, such as by shelling out to a Javascript interpreter. All "expand-foo" does is take one list and return another list, so I could write that in any language.

So, if you want to write full-strength macros in LavaScript, you need some way for your compiler to be able to call, during compilation, a function you've previously written in LavaScript.

Which, if LavaScript functions are compiled into Javascript, means if you can call Javascript functions from your compiler.

If you can do that, then you'll also get quasiquotation, because quasiquotation can be implemented as a macro.

If you can't call Javascript functions from your compiler, and if you want full-strength macros, then you'd need to write your macros in some language that you can call from your compiler.


3 points by aw 5067 days ago | link

Oh, I was confused:

The reason for not supporting eval is that this is a source-to-source compiler like CoffeeScript, not a run-time environment.

I wasn't paying attention and thought you meant LavaScript was written in CoffeeScript...

but I'm starting to doubt that this language can (or should) support full-fledged quasiquotation

I think I'm starting to get it: it's not that you couldn't support full-fledged quasiquotation if you wanted to by writing out an implementation in Javascript, it's that it wouldn't be very useful without being able to write macros via functions written in LavaScript, which in turn would mean that you'd have to be able to support loading LavaScript programs incrementally, which would mean having the LavaScript compiler in the runtime environment.


1 point by evanrmurphy 5067 days ago | link

Yes, I think that's right.
